{n} times faster than C - part two

{n} times faster than C - part two

In the last post, we wrote a tiny C program, compiled it, disassembled it, then tweaked that assembly to make it six times faster. Now we’re going to beat it.

Disclaimer: I’m not an optimization expert, by any means, in fact my expertise is in high-level, purely-functional languages, where one doesn’t usually think about how a program is executed.

Our first version was able to process 295.26MiB/s, and our best version reached 1.94GiB/s.

The code listings for this post can be found on Github.

So, let’s start with the first C version:

int run_switches(char *input) {
  int res = 0;
  while (true) {
    char c = *input++;
    switch (c) {
      case '\0':
        return res;
      case 's':
        res += 1;
      case 'p':
        res -= 1;
# llvm-objdump -d --symbolize-operands --no-addresses --x86-asm-syntax=intel --no-show-raw-insn loop-1-gcc.c.o

      xor     eax, eax            # res = 0
loop:                             # while (true) {
      movsx   ecx, byte ptr [rdi] #   c = *input
      test    ecx, ecx            #   if (c == '\0')
      je      ret                 #     return
      add     rdi, 1              #   input++
      cmp     ecx, 'p'            #   if (c == 'p')
      je      p                   #     goto p
      cmp     ecx, 's'            #   if (c == 's')
      jne     loop                #     continue
      add     eax, 1              #   res++
      jmp     loop                #   continue
p:    add     eax, -1             #   res--
      jmp     loop                # }
ret:  ret
# objdump -Mintel -d --no-addresses --no-show-raw-insn --visualize-jumps loop-2-gcc.c.o

             xor    eax, eax
      ╭────➤ movsx  ecx, byte ptr [rdi]
            test   ecx, ecx
       ╭─── je     ret
           add    rdi, 1
           cmp    ecx, 'p'
        ╭─ je     p
          cmp    ecx, 's'
      ├─│─│─ jne    loop
          add    eax, 1
      ├─│─│─ jmp    loop
p:      ╰➤ add    eax, -1
      ╰─│─── jmp    loop
ret:    ╰──➤ ret

Runtime: 3.23s 🐌

Bitrate: 295.26MiB/s

Dropping cases

The way we’ve expressed this problem is the pretty logical top-down way. We’re looping over our input, one character at a time, and performing a case analysis over the possible variants (or switching over the characters, if you prefer).

Based on this case analysis, we run different code.

To avoid this, let’s merge the codepaths with common structure. Both the ‘p’ and ’s’ cases add a number to the accumulator, so what if, instead of performing case analysis to get the next code path, we do so to get the number to add.

We can look up the number to add in an array:

#include <stdbool.h>

int to_add[256] = {
  ['s'] = 1,
  ['p'] = -1,

int run_switches(const char *input) {
  int res = 0;
  while (true) {
    char c = *input++;
    if (c == '\0') {
      return res;
    } else {
      res += to_add[(int) c];
# objdump -Mintel -d --no-addresses --no-show-raw-insn --visualize-jumps loop-2-gcc.c.o

           movsx  rax, byte ptr [rdi]
           lea    rdx, [rdi+1]
           xor    ecx, ecx
           lea    rsi, [rip+0]        # <run_switches+0x11>
           test   al,  al
      ╭─── je     ret
          nop    dword ptr [rax]
loop:  ╭➤ add    rdx, 0x1
         add    ecx, dword ptr [rsi+rax*4]
         movsx  rax, byte ptr [rdx-1]
         test   al,  al
       ╰─ jne    loop
ret:  ╰──➤ mov    eax, ecx
# objdump -Mintel -d --no-addresses --no-show-raw-insn --visualize-jumps loop-2-clang.c.o

           mov    cl,  byte ptr [rdi]
           test   cl,  cl
      ╭─── je     ret
          add    rdi, 0x1
          xor    eax, eax
          lea    rdx, [rip+0x0]        # <run_switches+0x13>
          cs nop word ptr [rax+rax*1+0x0]
          nop    dword ptr [rax]
loop:  ╭➤ movsx  rcx, cl
         add    eax, dword ptr [rdx+rcx*4]
         movzx  ecx, byte ptr [rdi]
         add    rdi, 0x1
         test   cl,  cl
       ╰─ jne    loop
ret:  ╰──➤ xor    eax, eax

GCC Runtime: 0.47s 🦓

GCC Bitrate: 1.98GiB/s

Clang Runtime: 0.25s 🐆

Clang Bitrate: 3.72GiB/s

Sweet, well this is just as fast as our best (cmov) version from the previous post, and clang’s output is almost twice as fast as our previous best version.

Something really weird is going on with the difference between GCC and clang. How big can the performance difference between these lines really be?

movzx  ecx, byte ptr [rdi]
movsx  rax, byte ptr [rdx-1]

I think I can get gcc to generate a version with movzx (move and zero-extend) instead of movsx (move and sign-extend), by using an unsigned integer type as the instruction, so uint8_t or unsigned char, instead of char. Let’s give it a go:

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int to_add[256] = {
  ['s'] = 1,
  ['p'] = -1,

int run_switches(const uint8_t *input) {
  int res = 0;
  while (true) {
    uint8_t c = *input++;
    if (c == '\0') {
      return res;
    } else {
      res += to_add[(int) c];
# objdump -Mintel -d --no-addresses --no-show-raw-insn --visualize-jumps loop-3-gcc.c.o

               movzx  eax, byte ptr [rdi]
               lea    rdx, [rdi+0x1]
               xor    ecx, ecx
               lea    rsi, [rip+0x0]
               test   al,  al
        ╭───── je     ret
              nop    dword ptr [rax+0x0]
loop:     ╭─➤ movzx  eax, al
             add    rdx, 1
             add    ecx, dword ptr [rsi+rax*4]
             movzx  eax, byte ptr [rdx-1]
             test   al,  al
          ╰── jne    loop
ret:    ╰────➤ mov    eax,ecx
# objdump -Mintel -d --no-addresses --no-show-raw-insn --visualize-jumps loop-3-clang.c.o

               mov    cl,  byte ptr [rdi]
               test   cl,  cl
        ╭───── je     ret
              add    rdi, 1
              xor    eax, eax
              lea    rdx, [rip+0x0]
              cs nop word ptr [rax+rax*1+0x0]
              nop    dword ptr [rax]
loop:     ╭─➤ movzx  ecx, cl
             add    eax, dword ptr [rdx+rcx*4]
             movzx  ecx, byte ptr [rdi]
             add    rdi, 1
             test   cl,  cl
          ╰── jne    loop
ret:    ╰────➤ xor    eax,eax

Well that did the trick, so is it faster?

GCC Runtime: 0.47s 🦓

GCC Bitrate: 1.98GiB/s

Clang Runtime: 0.25s 🐆

Clang Bitrate: 3.72GiB/s

Nope. It’s exactly the same. Okay, so what’s the difference between these (tabs):

loop: ╭─➤ movzx  eax, al
         add    rdx, 1
         add    ecx, dword ptr [rsi+rax*4]
         movzx  eax, byte ptr [rdx-1]
         test   al,  al
      ╰── jne    loop
loop: ╭─➤ movzx  ecx, cl
         add    eax, dword ptr [rdx+rcx*4]
         movzx  ecx, byte ptr [rdi]
         add    rdi, 1
         test   cl,  cl
      ╰── jne    loop

Three things:

  • Order
  • [rdi] vs [rdx - 1]
  • Register choices

Skipping an extend

Both compilers produced a movzx (move and zero-extend) instruction, to turn the character of the input into an int.

I don’t think this instruction is necessary on either compiler, as 32-bit operations implicitly zero-extend on an x86_64, and I can’t see any code paths where the upper bits would have been set.

That said, some vague intuition tells me we can get rid of this instruction on the C side by changing

uint8_t c = *input++;


uint64_t c = *input++;

Thus removing all identification of this as an 8-bit value that needs zero- extending.

loop: /-> add    rdx, 1
      |   add    ecx, dword ptr [rsi+rax*4]
      |   movzx  eax, byte ptr [rdx-1]
      |   test   rax, rax
      \-- jne    loop
loop: /-> movzx  ecx,cl
      |   add    eax,dword ptr [rdx+rcx*4]
      |   movzx  ecx,byte ptr [rdi]
      |   add    rdi,0x1
      |   test   cl,cl
      \-- jne    <run_switches+0x20>

Well it… worked for GCC.

One less instruction, without dropping down to assembly. Pretty good, huh?

GCC Runtime: 0.47s 🦓

GCC Bitrate: 1.98GiB/s

Er… that did nothing.

The asm rewrite

Let’s rewrite this in assembly to find out what’s going on.

No you can’t really reliably reassemble disassembled code… You’ll need to at least tweak the output. In this case, I wrote the array that it’s reading from in terms of GCC assembler directives, and added jump labels, to make it readable.

          xor   eax, eax                   # res = 0
loop:                                      # while (true) {
  /---->  movsx rcx, byte ptr [rdi]        #   char c = *input
  |       test  rcx, rcx                   #   if (c == '\0')
  |  /--  je    ret                        #     return
  |  |    add   eax, dword ptr [arr+rcx*4] #   res += arr[c]
  |  |    inc   rdi                        #   input++
  \--|--  jmp   loop                       # }
ret: \->  ret

        .fill 'p', 4, 0
        .long -1, 0, 0, 1
        .fill (256 - 's'), 4, 0

This is my first pass, and it’s a very literal translation of the C version. There’s even two jumps (an extra unconditional one) in the hotpath compared to GCC and clang’s output. So, how does it fare?

Runtime: 0.24s 🐆

Bitrate: 3.88GiB/s

Well, it… beat both GCC and clang, on the first attempt. I would have expected it to be harder to write faster code than modern compilers, with their plethora of optimization passes, yet here we are…

Tripping over encoding

GCC’s output loads the array’s address into a register, and uses that to reference the array in the hotpath:

lea    rsi, [add_arr]
add    ecx, dword ptr [rsi+rax*4]

Well, this seems redundant, so we should be able to get rid of the extra lea instruction by using the array’s address directly.

add    ecx, dword ptr [arr+rax*4]

We’ve removed one instruction (lea) from the non-hotpath, right? That’s true, but if we look at the instruction encodings side-by-side, we see that we’ve increased the number of bytes needed to encode the add, and the add is the instruction in the hotpath.

48 8d 34 25 00 00 00    lea    rsi,ds:0x0
03 0c 86                add    ecx,DWORD PTR [rsi+rax*4]

03 0c 85 00 00 00 00    add    ecx,DWORD PTR [rax*4+0]

I guess loading the array’s base address into rsi is a nice optimization to have, if you have registers to spare. Let’s ignore this for now.

Fixing GCC’s code

What we really want to know is why GCC’s inner loop is almost twice as slow as clang’s even though they look so similar. To this end, I’ve copy-pasted GCC’s code into an assembly program here, and made the changes necessary to get it working.

If we run the benchmark with our dissassembled version, it should take the same amount of time as GCC’s (0.47s).

Aaaaand it took 0.26s, almost twice as fast. I guess I’ve made a mistake? Let’s find the difference in output.

   9:   48 8d 35 00 00 00 00    lea    rsi,[rip+0]
  10:   48 85 c0                test   rax,rax
  13:   74 13                   je     28 ret
   9:   48 8d 34 25 00 00 00    lea    rsi,ds:0
  10:   00
  11:   48 85 c0                test   rax,rax
  14:   74 13                   je     29 ret

There! a slightly different encoding of lea.

I’m not entirely sure what causes this, as both versions seem to have the array stored in the .rodata section of the binary. If someone knows the difference between these two encodings, please email me.

So, as the only tangible difference is before the hotpath, I’m guessing we’re seeing a difference in alignment affect our performance.

Sure enough, if we add five innocent noops before our tight loop, we’re back to gcc’s performance.

Let’s do one better, and graph added padding vs runtime.

Graph of padding vs runtime

So starting at five noops (one byte each), we get a ~2x slowdown, and subsequent noops maintain that slowdown, until 20 noops, where we speed back up. Is this a repeating pattern?

Graph of padding vs runtime

…Yes it’s definitely a repeating pattern. What’s the period? I hope it’s a nice power of two…

…It’s 64. Very satisfying.

It’s slow for 15, then fast for 49… er… bytes of padding.

My inner loop measures 16 bytes exactly. So that repeating pattern of 15 slow versions, those must be when GCC’s inner loop is spread across the boundary of two cache lines. What’s the size of a cache line on my CPU? 64 bytes :)

Good news, we figured out the speed difference! 🎉 🎉 🎉

So, how do we convince GCC to align our loop better?

I tried

CFLAGS=-falign-jumps=<n> make bench-c-4-gcc

For various values of n, but nothing happened.

Pokemon alignment not very effective meme

The reason seems to be that, as well as being a branch target, the top of our loop is fallen into from the code above.

From the GCC docs:

Align branch targets to a power-of-two boundary, for branch targets where the targets can only be reached by jumping

Luckily, CFLAGS=-falign-loops=16 works!

The docs say that -falign-loops is enabled by default with optimizations set to >= -O2, but it also says if n is not specified or is zero, use a machine-dependent default. I guess this default is less than 16 on my machine :/

It also seems overkill to bump this option for a whole compilation unit. Ideally we’d only set the alignment manually for our inner loop. GCC provides alignment attributes, eg. __attribute__((aligned(16))), but they don’t apply to labels / statements, only functions.

Our entire function does actually fit within one cache line, and indeed setting __attribute__((aligned(64))) on run_switches works. I guess that’s the most granular control you can get without dropping down to assembly. Maybe someone knows a better way though?

Benchmarking setup

See part one.


  • There’s probably no point optimizing the non-hotpath.
  • Tight, aligned loops that fit in a cache line go absolutely lightning fast.
  • Tight loops spread across two cache lines may be ~2x slower than their aligned counterparts.
  • GCC doesn’t seem to align code very aggressively, by default.
  • When writing GNU assembly, .align <bytes> is your friend.
  • You can write two whole blog posts about a tiny loop.