PiqPiq is a statically-typed, type-inferred, compiled programming language, written entirely in C99
PhageA dynamic, functional, homoiconic, interpreted programming language, written in Haskell
SimFinSimFin (financial data) API wrapper for Haskell
Game of Life GBAConway's Game of Life for Gameboy Advance
(https://lambda.how/) Lambda ReplAn online lambda calculus REPL, which shows evaluation step-by-step
(https://select.pink/) Select Dot PinkA game of CSS selectors
(https://brownian.app) Brownian MusicA music recommendation interface and physics sandbox
Brainfuck InterpreterA tiny, clean Brainfuck interpreter in Haskell
Turtle-SVGAn interpreter for a minimal turtle-graphics instruction set that outputs SVG
(https://hexplo.de) HexplodeA clone of J. Ansell's 1982 BBC Micro game
Pandoc Builder MonadicA DSL for creating pandoc ASTs with do-notation
RESPA pure-haskell, incremental parser for redis' RESP3 encoding
unansiStrip out ANSI control sequences